With great honour i am announcing the institutional partnership of Bitcoin association Slovenia at the 25th Economic Forum.
Towards a Resilient Europe. Strategies for the Future
Organized for over 20 years, the Economic Forum in Krynica has become the biggest and the most important meeting place for political and economic leaders from Central and Eastern Europe. By that very fact, the Forum not only accompanies social and economic changes in our region, but also shapes them. The mission of this initiative is to create a favourable climate for the development of political and economic cooperation in Europe.
Besides the institutional partnership i will be moderating the panel:
Bitcoin. A Real Currency of the Future or a Dangerous Fantasy?
A few details about the forum.
More than 3,000 guests representing 60 countries – political, economic and social leaders from Europe, Asia and America, participated in the previous edition. There were presidents, prime ministers, EU commissioners, MPs, as well as CEOs of large international companies. For years, the Economic Forum in Krynica has witnessed important political and economic declarations and the opinions of the participants are quoted by the media and discussed all over the world.
The Economic Forum has grown to be a notorious venue for economic elites in this part of Europe. It is a great opportunity to debate and hold informal meetings, during which politicians determine the level of trust to their countries, necessary to conduct business. At the same time, business makers have the opportunity to present directly their observations and comments on the economic and regulatory policies pursued by governments and European institutions. In Krynica people come together not only to present their proposals, but also to share their thoughts and experiences, to discuss the dilemmas of modern economics, i.e. overcoming the crisis, affecting Europe and the word. The result of the meetings in Krynica is better understanding, greater opportunities for cooperation and joint initiatives that will build the future not only of Central and Eastern Europe, but also the entire continent.
The guests of Forum more and more pay attention the to comprehensiveness, broad perspective not only on the Eastern European issues, but also the global context. The sign of the importance of the Forum in the Eastern European debate is the fact that it was attended by prime ministers and presidents of the countries from the region of Central Europe and political elites from Western Europe: Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of European Commission, Horst Koehler, President of Germany, Mario Monti and Massimo D’Alema, prime ministers of Italy or Jose Maria Aznar and Jose Luis Zapatero, prime ministers of Spain. The Forum of Krynica has hosted the Noble prize laureates of economics Edmund Phelps and Reinhard Selten and famous economists Peter Schiff and Alessandro Profumo. From the region of Central and Eastern Europe there were such political personalities as: President of Czech Republic Vaclav Havel, Presidents of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite, Vytautas Landsbergis, Valdas Adamkus and Algirdas Brazauskas, Presidents of Croatia Stipe Mesic and Ivo Josipovic, President of Slovenia Milan Kucan, President of Serbia Boris Tadic, Presidents of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko and Petro Poroshenko, President of Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Latvia Vaira Vika-Freiberga, Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic Mirek Topolanek and John Fisher, Prime Ministers of Slovakia Mikulas Dzurinda and Robert Fico, Prime Ministers of Hungary Viktor Orban and Gordon Bainai, Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister of Latvia Valdis Dombrovskis. Every year politicians from almost all countries of Europe and Central Asia meet in Krynica. The Forum gives as well an opportunity of meeting with artists and representatives of culture, especially during the recreational events and evening banquets. All this creates a special atmosphere of Krynica conference.
During the 25th Economic Forum, 6 plenary sessions and about 200 discussion panels,
thematic blocks, presentations, reports, lectures and workshops will be held in a number
of thematic paths, including:
» Macroeconomy » Energy Forum
» Business and Management » Innovations Forum
» International Politics » The European Union and its Neighbours
» International Security » New Economy
» Regions Forum » State and Reforms
» NGO Forum and Society » Health Care